Frame-A-Face Interface

This is the main window of the Frame-A-Face program.

Frame-A-Face Interface: Main window with masked preset

The window is divided into three panels: a file list on the left, the original image preview with a crop box in the middle, and the crop preview on the right.

After you open a folder with files, the program scans the images, detects faces, and displays a list of file items on the left.

Here’s what you can see in a list item:

Frame-A-Face Interface: List item signs meanings

The semi-transparent top and bottom bars can have different colors, indicating various statuses:

If everything goes well and the program finds only one face in the photo, you’ll see green items like this:

Frame-A-Face Interface: List Item With One Scanned Face

If the scan procedure was not completed, or you canceled it, the bars will be gray:

Frame-A-Face Interface: List Item Not Scanned

If the program did not find a face in the photo, you will see yellow bars:

Frame-A-Face Interface: List Item With No Face

If more than one face was found, the bars will be red:

Frame-A-Face Interface: List Item With Multiple Faces

If the photo has been manually edited (for example, if you’ve moved or resized the crop box, rotated the image, or selected a face that wasn’t found), you’ll see a Custom Crop with blue bars:

Frame-A-Face Interface: Main window with 10 faces found Frame-A-Face Interface: Main window with 10 faces found

To omit an image from the export, make it black. Right-click on the list item and select Toggle export from the menu. (Use the same menu to revert this action.)

Frame-A-Face Interface: Don't Export Image

When all images are processed, you can export the cropped pictures. Select File - Export All… from the menu, or use the speed button in the bottom left corner.

Frame-A-Face Interface: Export All Speed-Button

There are three export options, which you can select in the Preferences panel:

Frame-A-Face Preferences General tab

Export all detected faces - This is the default option. Image names for additional crops are appended with suffixes like -x2, -x3, and so on.

Export one face per photo. Omit photos with zero or multiple faces - When this option is selected, the program only exports “good” photos with one person in the photo.

Export one face per photo. Alert when more than one face is detected - When this option is selected, the program displays an alert message There are un-reviewed images in the job, opens the next problematic image, and waits for you to correct it. You must select one face that you want to export.

Frame-A-Face Interface: Export Alert

If more than one face is detected in the photo, you must select the face you want to export from the top bar. This selection makes the image a Custom Crop, allowing you to continue with the export.

Frame-A-Face Interface: One of Ten Faces Custom Selected

If no face is detected in the photo, the program will open the image and draw an expanded crop box in the middle of the image.

Frame-A-Face Interface: No Face Detected

You should adjust the crop box to create a Custom Crop. Alternatively, you can right-click on the image and select Toggle export from the menu to omit the photo from the export.

Frame-A-Face Interface: Custom Face Free Selected