Preferences: General

Frame-A-Face Preferences General tab


Actual Pixels, Don’t Resize - If checked, the program saves cropped images without any scaling.

Set Width to - Here you may select the width of exported images in pixels. The program will scale exported images to that size.

Don’t enlarge smaller images - If the cropped area is smaller than the required export size, it will not be upscaled.

If Oversized Crop - Shrink To Fit Image Bounds - The program calculates crop borders automatically with regard to face size and position. It can happen that the face in the photo is too big or located close to the image edge. In this case, the automatic crop box will be bigger than the image itself.

If you select Shrink To Fit - the cropping box will be resized to an optimal position within the image bounds, keeping the face center in the position required by the preset.

If this option is not checked, the program expands the cropping border outside the image. Outside areas are filled with the color of the top-right point of the cropped rectangle. If you shoot your models over a plain color background (like a green screen for future background removal), you’ll get quite good results suitable for further work. Otherwise, you may want to disable this option to avoid visible color margins.


The settings above can also be set for any preset individually. They are named Export Width and Oversize. Preset settings override default preference settings.

JPEG Quality (1-100) - This is JPEG compression. 100 means full quality. 1 means very compressed with visible artifacts. In real life, numbers around 80-90 give you quite good pictures.

Auto save batch info to faf.autosave file - The program saves information about opened files, detected face positions, and cropped areas, including manually adjusted crops, into a faf.autosave file located in the currently opened folder. When you work with this folder again, you may open faf.autosave (instead of opening individual images) and instantly get all faces detected and cropping boxes positioned as they were in the last working session.

Face Detector - Select the default face detector here. The DUN detector gives you fast and accurate detections for individual or small group photos. The HAAR detector is not as fast or accurate as DUN, but it can be useful for detecting many faces in group photos.