This type of preset allows you to produce composite images like calendars, photos with fancy borders, or, as in the example below, in a circular shape.
You can create these types of presets by editing preset lines in a text file manually.
These are the lines that you have to edit:
FixedOutputWidth:<NNN> // Fixed output width (Integer value)
MaskFile:<Name of file> // Path and Name of overlay mask file
MaskFaceLeft:<NNN> // Distance (pixels) from left side of mask to left of inserted image
MaskFaceBottom:<NNN> // Distance (pixels) from bottom of mask to bottom of inserted image
MaskFile: This is the full path to a mask image. The mask image should be a .PNG file with transparent areas. The cropped image is placed under the mask and will be visible through transparent “holes.” In our example images, the mask is a white rectangle with a circular transparent hole outlined with a thin black line. After the program is installed, you will have one such mask file in the program’s folder. Use it as a model when you make your own masks.
MaskFaceLeft: This is the distance in pixels from the left side of the mask to the left side of the cropped picture.
MaskFaceBottom: This is the distance in pixels from the bottom of the mask to the bottom of the cropped picture.
FixedOutputWidth: You should explicitly set the width of the cropped image. Set it so that the cropped image under the mask fills the whole transparent area.
NOTE: In the case of masked presets, the output size of the exported image is defined by the size of the mask file. You’ll get images of the same size as your .PNG file used as the mask.
Below are some examples of images with a masked preset. Please bear in mind that extra alignments can make the masked pictures more uniform and consistent.
Masked preset aligned by head and head top