CSV File Lists

CSV Lists provide a powerful way to automate and organize image processing tasks in Frame-A-Face. By specifying input images, crop presets, and output locations in a CSV file, users can efficiently manage bulk processing workflows.

Benefits of Using CSV Lists

Using CSV Lists in Frame-A-Face

1. Create a CSV File

2. Load the CSV in Frame-A-Face

3. Process CSV

CSV File Structure

A CSV file used in Frame-A-Face consists of lines containing comma-separated values (CSV), which can have the following structure:

<Input path>,<Preset name>,<Output path>,[[Name suffix],[Export pixel size],[Image format]]

Field Descriptions

Input path
Specifies the location of the input image or folder containing images. Supported formats include JPG, PNG, and TIFF.

Preset name
The name of an existing Frame-A-Face preset as displayed in the Presets menu.

Output path
Defines the export destination. If the path doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.

Optional fields:

Example CSV Lines

"C:\Users\User\Pictures\School","Wide Body Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Output\School","_W","3000","png"

In the examples above:

Editing CSV Lists

CSV files can be created and edited using any plain text editor or spreadsheet application (e.g., Excel, Notepad, Numbers).

Comments can be added to CSV files using the # character at the beginning of a line.


# This is a comment

More Examples

Processing a whole folder:

"C:\Users\User\Pictures\Events","5x7 Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Processed\Events","_5x7"

This processes all images in the “Events” folder using the “5x7 Centered” preset and saves them in the “Processed\Events” folder with a “_5x7” suffix.

Processing a single image:

"C:\Users\User\Pictures\Events\image1.jpg","5x7 Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Processed\Events","_5x7"

This processes only “image1.jpg” using the “5x7 Centered” preset and saves it in the “Processed\Events” folder with a “_5x7” suffix.

Processing with both input and output as image names:

"C:\Users\User\Pictures\Events\image1.jpg","5x7 Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Processed\Events\image1_cropped.jpg"

This processes “image1.jpg” and exports the result directly as “image1_cropped.jpg” in the specified folder.

Processing Multiple Presets with Different Output Locations

"C:\Users\User\Pictures\School","Wide Body Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Output\School","_W"
"C:\Users\User\Pictures\School","Tight Headshot Centered","C:\Users\User\Pictures\Output\School","_T"

In this example, all images from the “School” folder are processed using different crop presets. The cropped images are saved with respective suffixes in the “Output\School" folder. Additionally, a 5x7 crop is created, resized to 800 pixels wide, and exported to the “WebPreview\School" folder with the original file names.

Error Handling

If Frame-A-Face encounters issues with the CSV list, it will display an alert message specifying the problem (e.g., invalid paths, incorrect file format).

Ensure that:

By using CSV lists, users can streamline their workflows and achieve consistent, high-quality results efficiently.